Having sushi is a must-have experience when you are in Japan. Have you tasted the oldest sushi in Tokyo? Sasamaki Kenuki Sushi (笹巻けぬきすし) preserves the flavor of the original sushi for more than 300 years. What is the origin of sushi in Tokyo? The history of Sasamaki Kenuki Sushi goes back to 1702. Sasamaki Kenuki Sushi is counted as the Three Greatest Sushi of Edo (old Tokyo), but only Sasamaki Kenuki Sushi could continue their business until now. Sasamaki Kenuki Sushi looks somewhat different from sushi people usually imagine. Their sushi is each wrapped in bamboo leaves, which has a strong bactericidal effect. This is because bamboo leaves are used to wrap provisions. Three hundred years ago, cooling solutions were not enough to preserve food for a long time. Therefore, the founder of Sasamaki Kenuki Sushi soaked fish and rice in vinegar and wrapped in bamboo leaves. Because of that, their sushi tastes somewhat sour. The amount of vinegar got less comparing to the past, but you can
A 30 something yo Japanese female living in Tokyo, writing about things around her life. She likes to travel, hike, cook, bake, eat, and drink. All posts are from her personal point of view and not related to any organizations. Please refer to the latest information about tourist destinations and restaurants.